Testez votre anglais Bonjour et bienvenue dans notre test de niveau en anglais! Ce test est composé de courtes réponses libres et de choix multiples. Il est composé de 35 questions et d'une question de production libre. Vous avez 20 minutes pour compléter ce test. Attention, ce test nécessite un équipement audio. Bon travail! Nom et prénom Email Téléphone Si vous êtes un professionnel, veuillez indiquer votre employeur 1. Elisa (joue) basket-ball on Saturdays. 2. Usually, people think basket-ball is a sport for _____ people. small tall smalls talls Aucun 3. Elisa is only 1 M 68 and yet she is the most important player in team (dans son équipe). 4. Basket-ball has (toujours) been a passion for her. 5. She started basket-ball at the age of 6. Now ___ (elle a) 30. she has got autre proposition is she she is Aucun 6. She has played competition matches so far. Indication 7. In every match ___ she plays, she plays to win. what / who when Aucun 8. But currently Elisa (doit) put basket-ball on hold. 9. why? because ___ she will a baby. she wills a baby. she can play basket-ball very well. she is pregnant. Aucun 10. But she (déjà) knows it and she’s ready to accept it: 11. ________ the baby is born, she will be able to resume basket-ball. Once Before After which Where Aucun 12. For Elisa, life (sans) basket-ball would just be unthinkable. 13. Her passion for this sport ______ (lui donne aussi) the motivation she needs to learn English … gives her also also gives her give her also also give her Aucun 14. … because she wants to (devenir) a coach. And, why not, coach some American players. 15. But this is for much later. Right now, what matters the most for ____ is the upcoming birth of her baby. herself her she har Aucun 16. Elisa is a little nervous _____ she has just found out she is expecting triplets! given despite because after Aucun 17. It will ______ be easy; She knows that. not always always not not more no more Aucun 18. Elisa’s life ______ be the same. never will will ever ever will will never Aucun 19. Now (this year or at the beginning of ___ year) her life will change. the next after the after next Aucun 20. Fortunately, she _____ well surrounded. will can are is Aucun 21. And, she knows (ce que) it means to have triplets at home. 22. Indeed, she happens to be the ___ of 4 sisters … ouder eldest oudest elder Aucun 23. … And her 3 sisters were born on (le même jour)! 24. Now ,They are 22 years old and all three have just ___. diploma study graduated marrying Aucun 25. One of them wants to work (comme) hairdresser; 26. Another one has (trouvé) a position in a multinational company. 27. And the third one intends _______ the same. to travel around the world. looking after Elisa’s kids. a job. Aucun 28. Elisa is really happy that her three sisters ______ have plans. has plan. plans to have. plans have. Aucun 29. For Elisa, the (choix) of the godmothers is obvious. Indication 30. Her sisters would ____ perfect godmothers been being be is Aucun 31. But she doesn’t know (si) her sisters will accept. 32. This is not urgent. There is plenty of time to think ___. at it about it to it over it Aucun 33. Recently she has read in an article that : “the age British women have a baby keeps ______. On average women have their first baby at the age of 29. One out of ten is 35 or older when she gives birth for the first time.” high to increase the same increasing Aucun 34. Elisa et son mari ont déjà choisi un prénom pour un de leurs 3 enfants à venir : , le prénom féminin le plus populaire de cette année, d’après l’extrait qui suit. https://polyac.be/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/test-ag-online-prenom.mp3 35. Interpellée par les résultats d’une étude (cf. extrait sonore), Elisa incitera ses enfants à ______ suffisamment.https://polyac.be/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/test-ag-online-bouger.mp3 manger bouger jouer dormir Aucun 36. What do you know about Elisa? Veuillez saisir le texte repris dans l'image ci-dessous. Time's upTime is Up!